

Traditional IT infrastructures are constantly faced with issues of scalability, security and resilience. These issues translate into high costs and effort, the greater the size of the organisation.

Cloud computing presents itself as a technological solution to overcome these limitations and adapt to the needs of the market, in a digital era where migration to the cloud is not just a trend, but a necessity to remain competitive and innovative in the digital environment.

Public, private and hybrid are the types of clouds that can be adopted by an organisation, each with its own distinctive attributes concerning the degree of accessibility, the level of governance exercised and the methods of integration.

Migration to the cloud is not only a review of the technologies adopted, but above all an organisational reorganisation and restructuring of the operating model.

Quantyca supports its customers in their Cloud Journey in all its phases, according to a value-driven approach:

→ Assessment

→ Foundation

→ Mobilisation

→ Execution


Operation and maintenance costs play a significant role in the critical infrastructure analysis. The purchase, configuration and management of hardware and software require considerable initial investments and continuous maintenance activities that represent a significant financial burden over time.

Upgrading systems often requires in-depth analysis, detailed planning and potential disruptions to core business operations. This process slows down the adoption of new features, limiting the ability of companies to stay abreast of market developments and new technology requirements.

The ability to scale vertically or horizontally is often constrained by the physical availability of resources, leading to situations where the infrastructure cannot quickly adapt to load fluctuations or increasing demands. This may result in inadequate performance.


Migration to the cloud involves a number of critical points that require careful attention and planning:

Involving stakeholders is a crucial initial step. They should be informed about the benefits of such a process and the changes it entails, in order to gain their support and understanding during the transition process.

The transition to the cloud may require a redefinition of responsibilities and organisational structure.This may involve creating new roles, adapting existing positions and clearly defining the competencies needed to manage the cloud environment.

The transition to the cloud requires a thorough understanding of cloud technologies and practices.Investing in staff training to increase technical skills in the use of cloud computing is therefore essential. This may include learning skills related to cloud resource management, IT security and application configuration.


The cloud migration process is a complex path that requires careful and detailed planning, which Quantyca defines and supports in the following phases:



One of the critical aspects of the Cloud Journey is the assessment phase. In this first phase, a careful analysis and mapping of the as-is and evolution scenarios is carried out, defining requirements, needs and success metrics for the project.

This becomes crucial to ensure that the migration is aligned with business objectives and that results are measurable.

Requirements gathering must not only involve the IT sphere but also business users: by involving them from the initial stages, it is possible to gain their support by providing immediate feedback to their requests.


Quantyca developed a time-boxed assessment methodology to assess the current context (maturity and readiness) and construct a minimum viable strategy in a shared manner



Once the requirements underlying the migration process have been defined, a Foundation and a Landing Zone are set up in the cloud. The “Data Landing Zone” and “Platfom Landing Zone” are reference architectures that provide a solid foundation for the deployment of resources, while guaranteeing adequate governance and security management.

For further details please refer to Cloud Foundation.



At this stage, certain organisational aspects also begin to be outlined.

A well-defined organisational structure facilitates the transition process and ensures effective management of the infrastructure.

Among the figures that make up the new organisation, we can find two relevant groups:

  • Cloud Adoption: this group must include members with technical and business expertise to guide the decision-making process, evaluate cloud service options and define a detailed migration plan
  • Cloud Centre of Excellence: The Cloud Centre of Excellence (CoE) is a team specialised in orchestrating best practices and guidelines related to cloud use, facilitating internal training and helping to ensure its effective and secure use.




The next step is the realisation of initial POCs aimed at clearing critical points and validating the blueprints developed and the migration plan.

The prioritisation of use cases to be migrated to the cloud must be based on objective criteria such as:

  • Number of dependencies on other processes
  • Business criticality
  • Affected environment (Test, Development, Production, etc.)

It is therefore optimal to proceed by prioritising use cases with a reduced number of dependencies and limited complexity. This translates into developing familiarity with the cloud world, starting with simpler contexts and then increasing their complexity.

This prioritisation mode is also suggested by the main cloud providers.



Finally, through an incremental and value-driven approach, it is possible to expand the pool of applications affected by the migration, addressing increasingly complex use cases.



Cost Reduction
Availability and resilience
Simplified updates and maintenance
Regulatory compliance

Use Cases


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