Quantyca IoT Hub use cases


The Internet of Things is a technological paradigm with boundless application potential, capable of affecting business competitiveness, public administration efficiency and quality of life.

As the number of connected devices grows, so does the complexity of managing the information sent and the devices themselves, affecting not only the operational cost but also the cost of data-breach in case of inadequate device security.

The IoT Hub makes it possible to connect and collect data sent from different IoT devices located in different production plants in a secure and reliable way and centralize control rules and analyses, reducing risks and cutting costs.


The main problems resulting from the lack of a centralized hub are:

  • Lack of governance and increased complexity of managing, organizing and monitoring large-scale IoT devices throughout their lifecycle
  • Inability to perform real-time predictive analysis of data collected from devices
  • High operational costs to configure and manage complex, distributed architectures often composed of multiple technologies developed by different vendors
in the global IoT endpoint governance market by 2022


The IoT Hub extends the capabilities of the cloud data platform by harnessing the peculiarities of the cloud to securely connect, control and manage IoT devices located in various production plants, ensuring governance and security of your devices

This solution allows you to capture, transform, store and make accessible in real-time a potentially unlimited amount of data from different devices, reducing operational costs and increasing development agility.

Data is stored and consolidated within the storage layer by on-demand integration processes.

On top of the storage layer consisting of a scalable and cost-effective storage system (i.e. object storage), predictive analysis and control services are grafted.

Device management and enforcement of security rules for connections and messages

Acquisition and consolidation of data from devices

Storage of raw data and all subsequent layers of consolidation storage systems at low cost and with potentially infinite storage possibilities

Immediate reaction to events generated by IoT devices and preparation of data for the application of predictive algorithms

The complete route

Definition of the technology infrastructure and data architecture. Connection to devices and implementation of security rules
First production plant connected with data acquisition and consolidation pipeline. Exposure to analytical consumers
Addition of new production plant and coverage of new use cases


Ability to connect and manage hundreds of thousands of IoT devices
Potentially infinite storage and computing capacity
Ability to scale storage and computation separately
Pay-as-you-go pricing model
Continuous governance and control of devices
Reduction of operational costs
Increased development agility


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